Medical Device

ARTS Surgical Inc.

As a spinoff from UT Austin, ARTS Surgical Inc. is pioneering a new era in orthopedic and neurosurgical procedures with our state-of-the-art steerable drilling robotic system. Our mission is to revolutionize minimally invasive surgeries by enhancing precision, safety, and efficiency in diagnosing and treating conditions involving complex hard tissue anatomies. A key limitation of current surgical tools lies in their rigidity, which restricts access to straight-line trajectories and prevents clinicians from reaching deep, intricate anatomical regions.

Imagine Devices

Imagine Devices Inc. specializes in minimally invasive solutions for vital sign monitoring in clinical care. Our flagship product, the Trinity Tube, is a sterile, multifunctional feeding catheter designed to address critical unmet needs in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). It enhances safety, accuracy, and efficiency in the care of premature infants by integrating feeding, abdominal gas venting, and vital sign monitoring into a single device.

Lumaegis, Inc

RNA technology thus has the potential to revolutionize medicine with life-saving and even curative treatments for previously unmet clinical needs, including cancers, autoimmune disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. The primary bottleneck in the translation of the 1300+ early-stage RNA programs in existence has been the biological delivery system, not the RNA drug payload itself, due to toxicity, immunogenicity, and the inability to target specific cells, tissues, and organs, leading to off-target effects.

Atlas Endoscopy

Atlas Endoscopy is addressing critical inefficiencies in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis, where traditional colonoscopy faces significant limitations. Over 80 million colonoscopies are performed annually worldwide, yet accessibility remains a challenge due to the need for sedation, risk of cross contamination due to the reusable colonoscope, and specialized facilities.

Vasowatch Inc.

Vasowatch’s mission  is to develop clinical decision support technology to improve the birthing experience for all mothers.  Our product is novel Labor and Delivery technology (US patent pending) that provides continuous monitoring of a mother’s risk for postpartum hemorrhage, excessive blood loss after childbirth, the leading cause of maternal deaths and complications globally.

OrthoPreserve, Inc.

Over 1 million people in the United States every year receive surgical treatment for meniscus injuries due to their painful and debilitating symptoms. Most meniscus tears are treated with a meniscectomy (removal of the damaged tissue) since the meniscus has extremely limited healing capabilities. The removal of tissue increases the forces exerted on the knee joint cartilage, which can create recurring pain, mechanical impairment/immobility, and degenerative changes much earlier than if the meniscus was intact and protecting the cartilage.